
SPRIN-D Challenge Carbon-to-Value: enaDyne in round two

Company August 9, 2023

Back in April 2022, enaDyne was one of six teams in the first phase of the Carbon-to-Value Challenge funded by the German Federal Agency for Leapfrog Innovations (SPRIN-D) with a total of 600,000 euros for its non-thermal plasma catalysis. Now it's on to round two.

After reaching all milestones in the first year, enaDyne could also impress this year. As one of three teams, the company is now entering the second phase for 18 months, for which it will receive a total of 1.9 million euros. By the end of the challenge in September 2024, the technology is to be further developed to enable the first pilot projects in an industrial environment by the end of 2024.

Christian Koch

Co-Founder and CTO

Would you like to find out more about plasma catalysis and its application? Please contact us.

Philipp Hahn

Co-Founder and CEO

We will be happy to answer your questions about our technology or a collaboration.